HISTORY AS A BUSINESS: The Story of the S.S. Keewatin’s Journey Home
Hear the story of the return and restoration of the Canadian Pacific luxury liner, The S. S. Keewatin, to its home port of Port McNicoll, Ontario as part of the History Nights At The Regent lecture series on Monday, February 3rd, 2014 at 7 pm. at The Regent Theatre in Picton.
The S.S. Keewatin was built in Scotland and launched in July 1907. Destined to be a passenger and freight carrier linking the rail terminus in the community of Port McNicoll near Barrie, Ontario with the railhead at what is now Thunder Bay, this great vessel spent nearly 60 years in service until its retirement in 1967 as one of the last of its kind. Bound for the scrap yard, the Keewatin was rescued by an American entrepreneur who brought it to Douglas, Michigan where it became a floating museum for the next 45 years.
But in 2012, this iconic piece of Canadian history was returned home by Skyline International Developments as the centerpiece of their $1.6 billion re-development of the waterfront and railway terminus in Port McNicoll. This is a great story about maritime history. But it’s also an intriguing story about the business of history.
Skyline executive, Sean Billing, will be discussing his company’s two million dollar investment in the Keewatin and their plans for the vessel as part of their development project. John Fulford-Brown of Kee Media Group, the producers of the documentary Bring Her On Home – The Return of the S.S. Keewatin, will also screen the one – hour film.
History Lives Here Inc. sponsors the History Nights At The Regent lecture series in association with The Merrill Inn and The Regent Theatre.
For ticket information, contact The Regent Theatre, 224 Main St. in Picton
Telephone 613 – 476 – 8416 Email: